Moneta's Temple and Gallery en-us Sun, 06 Oct 2024 11:28:07 -0700 PhotoPost Pro 7.0 60 Belgium - Ghent 1915 2 Franken, thick '2' both sides copper /showphoto.php?photo=3674&title=belgiumghent-1915-2-franken-2c-thick272-27-both-sides-copper&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3674&amp;title=belgiumghent-1915-2-franken-2c-thick272-27-both-sides-copper&amp;cat=567"><img title="BEL-Ghent-2Fr-both-copper.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/BEL-Ghent-2Fr-both-copper.jpg" alt="BEL-Ghent-2Fr-both-copper.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Emergency money for Belgium and the Flemish Ghent (Gent) region during WWI German occupation (1915 - 1918). Designed by the famous sculptor Georges Verbanck. These were somehow used/issued by the Germans to encourage the Flemish separatist movement from Belgium. Beautiful execution of an iron planchet that should be plated with brass and copper, but here there's an error and both sides are copper. Additionally, this appears to be an undocumented variety that has a THICK '2', similar to the variety of a thick '50' in the Centimes series. Compare this example to a regular issue 2 Franken here in the Museum. Other denominations exist in this series (1 Frank, 50 Centimes), some are round. There seems to be a wide variation of prices asked for these in the European market. I've seen asking prices of over $500 (high grade). Generally, I'd say paying more than about $100 would be a mistake. Half that amount is about right and the various denominations, shapes, etc. seem to be equally available. An iron coin with bras plating on the obverse and copper on the reverse to help prevent counterfeiting. In the series the 2 Franken is the most common and doesn't seem to have any varieties available. Year and value within circle and diamond. Lettering along edges, in Dutch above, in French below. Lettering: UITBETAALBAAR OP 1 JANUARIJ 1918 1915 2 FR REMBOURSABLE LE 1 JANVIER 1918 Translation: Refundable on January 1, 1918 1915 2 Francs Refundable on January 1, 1918 VIEW &amp; DOWNLOAD: Here's a link to the article I wrote for the &quot;NI Bulletin&quot; [Sep/Oct 2023], the bimonthly publication of Numismatics International. It explores the conditions of the WWI minting of these unusual emergency coins of Ghent, Belgium - click this: Moneta Sun, 09 Jul 2023 16:27:05 -0700 Belgium - Ghent WWI Emergency Money, 10 Centimes /showphoto.php?photo=3673&title=belgiumghent-wwi-emergency-money-2c-10-centimes&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3673&amp;title=belgiumghent-wwi-emergency-money-2c-10-centimes&amp;cat=567"><img title="Ghent_Cardboard_10c.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/Ghent_Cardboard_10c.jpg" alt="Ghent_Cardboard_10c.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: City of Ghent (Province of East Flanders) under King Albert I (1909-1934), in exiled government in London. Woman in center, surrounded by flowers and the heraldic lion in front and bottom. Not physically in the Moneta Museum. Lettering: STAD GENT; Translation: City of Ghent. Reverse lettering: UIT BETAALBAAR 10c JANUARI 1920 [Translation:] Exchangeable 10c January 1920 In early 1918, the occupation government requisitioned all available metal. The municipal administration was then forced to order 10 and 25 cent cardboard coins. The artist who designed these monetary tokens is René Decramer. They were printed by the Vanderpoorten institutions. Reference cited is Laurens Aernout, 2017; &quot;Catalgus van Belgische Numismaticsche Uitgiften: 1831 - 2017&quot; VIEW &amp; DOWNLOAD: Here's a link to the article I wrote for the &quot;NI Bulletin&quot; [Sep/Oct 2023], the bimonthly publication of Numismatics International. It explores the conditions of the WWI minting of these unusual emergency coins of Ghent, Belgium - click this: Moneta Sun, 09 Jul 2023 15:31:45 -0700 Belgium - Ghent WWI Cardboard Emergency Money, 25 Centimes /showphoto.php?photo=3672&title=belgiumghent-wwi-cardboard-emergency-money-2c-25-centimes&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3672&amp;title=belgiumghent-wwi-cardboard-emergency-money-2c-25-centimes&amp;cat=567"><img title="Ghent_Cardboard_25c.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/Ghent_Cardboard_25c.jpg" alt="Ghent_Cardboard_25c.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: City of Ghent (Province of East Flanders) under King Albert I (1909-1934), in exiled government in London. Woman in center, surrounded by flowers and the heraldic lion in front and bottom. Not physically in the Moneta Museum. Lettering: STAD GENT; Translation: City of Ghent. Reverse lettering: UIT BETAALBAAR 25c JANUARI 1920 [Translation:] Exchangeable 25c January 1920 In early 1918, the occupation government requisitioned all available metal. The municipal administration was then forced to order 10 and 25 cent cardboard coins. The artist who designed these monetary tokens is René Decramer. They were printed by the Vanderpoorten institutions. Reference cited is Laurens Aernout, 2017; &quot;Catalgus van Belgische Numismaticsche Uitgiften: 1831 - 2017&quot; VIEW &amp; DOWNLOAD: Here's a link to the article I wrote for the &quot;NI Bulletin&quot; [Sep/Oct 2023], the bimonthly publication of Numismatics International. It explores the conditions of the WWI minting of these unusual emergency coins of Ghent, Belgium - click this: Moneta Sun, 09 Jul 2023 15:26:41 -0700 Belgium - 2 Cents 1902 /showphoto.php?photo=3391&title=belgium2-cents-1902&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3391&amp;title=belgium2-cents-1902&amp;cat=567"><img title="BEL_2C_1902.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/BEL_2C_1902.jpg" alt="BEL_2C_1902.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: A classic of Belgium is the Lion standing with paw on a table that states 'Belgishe Grondwet 1831.' Referring to the Foundation of Belgium in 1831 following the revolutions throughout Europe in 1830. Legends here are in Dutch. Moneta Sat, 08 Jan 2022 15:05:29 -0800 Belgium - Ghent 50 Centimes 1915, Thick type, ALL Copper /showphoto.php?photo=3371&title=belgiumghent-50-centimes-1915-2c-thick-type-2c-all-copper&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3371&amp;title=belgiumghent-50-centimes-1915-2c-thick-type-2c-all-copper&amp;cat=567"><img title="BEL_50c_Ghent_1915_copper.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/BEL_50c_Ghent_1915_copper.jpg" alt="BEL_50c_Ghent_1915_copper.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: This is an example of the &quot;Thick 50&quot; variety of the 50 Centimes of WWI German Occupied Ghent , Belgium. See the &quot;Thin 50&quot; variety here in the Moneta Museum. I'm writing a paper on my research of this series. What's clear is that the original idea was to strike on iron planchets that had been layered in brass and iron. That didn't work out so the method used was to electro-plate brass and copper on 'mild steel'. I've never seen one that shows any rust on the 'iron' edges,, which seems impossible if you've seen a typical WWI issue in iron. Error coin, or one of the early types in all copper? Some have stated the opinion that a 50 Centimes with copper plating on both sides represents a counterfeit (see NIB Sep 1975, Robert Talisman), this may be true, but all other details of the execution of this piece appears to be a true coin. It seems far more believable that shortages of plating metal, documented in my monograph, are responsible for a two sided copper plating. OB: Lettering: .STAD=GENT. VILLE DE GAND; [Translation: City of Ghent] RX: UIT BETAALBAAR ° OP 1 JANUARIJ 1917°; at center 1915 50 CEN (unclear); REMBOURSABLE ° LE 1 JANVIER 1917 °; [Translation: Convertable (reimbursable] on 1 January 1917. 512,000 struck of both varieties. VIEW &amp; DOWNLOAD: Here's a link to the article I wrote for the &quot;NI Bulletin&quot; [Sep/Oct 2023], the bimonthly publication of Numismatics International. It explores the conditions of the WWI minting of these unusual emergency coins of Ghent, Belgium - click this: Moneta Mon, 25 Oct 2021 17:04:11 -0700 Belgium - 1 Franken Ghent 1915 /showphoto.php?photo=3370&title=belgium1-franken-ghent-1915&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3370&amp;title=belgium1-franken-ghent-1915&amp;cat=567"><img title="BEL_1Fr_Ghent_1915_faintDot.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/BEL_1Fr_Ghent_1915_faintDot.jpg" alt="BEL_1Fr_Ghent_1915_faintDot.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: This is the version with a FAINT first sq. dot between 1 . 1 . 1919. I have three examples here in the Moneta Museum now. One with full dots, one with no 1st dot, and this one that shows a weak dot. There's a better than even chance that KM, that shows varieties with and w/o the dot, is mistaken. I think the die became filled and that the version with a weak 1st dot is mere a transitional example of coin with just one die type (two dividing sq. dots). Toned color with a fair amount of wear. OB, brass on iron: Rampant lion to the left within circles with a legend in Dutch (above) and French (below). Lettering: STAD = GENT (Flemish); VILLE DE GAND (French). Rampant Lion, symbol of Ghent, in the center. RX, copper on iron: 1915, 1 FR (Franken) at the center; Lettering: =REMBOURSABLE=UITBETAALBAAR=1.1.1919. [Translation: Refundable 1.1.1919]. 370,000 struck between all types. VIEW &amp; DOWNLOAD: Here's a link to the article I wrote for the &quot;NI Bulletin&quot; [Sep/Oct 2023], the bimonthly publication of Numismatics International. It explores the conditions of the WWI minting of these unusual emergency coins of Ghent, Belgium - click this: Moneta Mon, 25 Oct 2021 16:33:48 -0700 Belgium - Ghent WWI German Occ. 1 Franken 1915 /showphoto.php?photo=3369&title=belgiumghent-wwi-german-occ1-franken-1915&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3369&amp;title=belgiumghent-wwi-german-occ1-franken-1915&amp;cat=567"><img title="BEL_1Fr_Ghent_1915_2dots.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/BEL_1Fr_Ghent_1915_2dots.jpg" alt="BEL_1Fr_Ghent_1915_2dots.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: This is the version with a clear first sq. dot between 1 . 1 . 1919. This coin has unusual preservation but the obverse has a weak strike in some areas. So, I have three examples here in the Moneta Museum now. One with full dots, one with no 1st dot, and one the shows a weak dot. There's a better than even chance that KM, that shows varieties with and w/o the dot, is mistaken. I think the die became filled and that the version with a weak 1st dot is mere a transitional example of coin with just one die type. Original color with a fair amount of red on the copper side. OB, brass on iron: Rampant lion to the left within circles with a legend in Dutch (above) and French (below). Lettering: STAD = GENT (Flemish); VILLE DE GAND (French). Rampant Lion, symbol of Ghent, in the center. RX, copper on iron: 1915, 1 FR (Franken) at the center; Lettering: =REMBOURSABLE=UITBETAALBAAR=1.1.1919. [Translation: Refundable 1.1.1919]. VIEW &amp; DOWNLOAD: Here's a link to the article I wrote for the &quot;NI Bulletin&quot; [Sep/Oct 2023], the bimonthly publication of Numismatics International. It explores the conditions of the WWI minting of these unusual emergency coins of Ghent, Belgium - click this: Moneta Mon, 25 Oct 2021 16:24:42 -0700 Belgium - 1 Frank 1923 Kneeling Woman &amp; Caduceus /showphoto.php?photo=3301&title=belgium1-frank-1923-kneeling-woman26amp-3b-caduceus&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3301&amp;title=belgium1-frank-1923-kneeling-woman26amp-3b-caduceus&amp;cat=567"><img title="BEL_1Fr_1932.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/BEL_1Fr_1932.jpg" alt="BEL_1Fr_1932.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: An exceptional example, this strike and preservation are hard to find. The allegorical woman is Belgium kneeling with sword and shield, washing her leg and there's a caduceus medical symbol on the back. It's supposed to represent Belgium, wounded but recovering from the ravages of World War One. These were issued in 3 denominations [50 c, 1 &amp; 2 Franks] and two language versions, this one is French [BELQIQUE], the other is Dutch/Flemish. BON POUR means Good For in French. Design by Bonnitain. Moneta Sun, 07 Mar 2021 14:30:30 -0800 Belgium - Ghent 5 Frank 1918 - WWI German Occupation /showphoto.php?photo=3296&title=belgiumghent-5-frank-1918wwi-german-occupation&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3296&amp;title=belgiumghent-5-frank-1918wwi-german-occupation&amp;cat=567"><img title="BEL_5F_1918_Ghent.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/BEL_5F_1918_Ghent.jpg" alt="BEL_5F_1918_Ghent.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Belgium - 5 Francs &amp; Franken 1917 Ghent - WWI German Occupation. For the full story on these emergency coins, please see below. VIEW &amp; DOWNLOAD: Here's a link to the article I wrote for the &quot;NI Bulletin&quot; [Sep/Oct 2023], the bimonthly publication of Numismatics International. It explores the conditions of the WWI minting of these unusual emergency coins of Ghent, Belgium - click this: Moneta Sun, 07 Mar 2021 13:21:30 -0800 Belgium - 5 Francs &amp; Franken 1917 Ghent - WWI German Occupation /showphoto.php?photo=3295&title=belgium5-francs26amp-3b-franken-1917-ghentwwi-german-occupation&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3295&amp;title=belgium5-francs26amp-3b-franken-1917-ghentwwi-german-occupation&amp;cat=567"><img title="BEL_5F_1917Ghent.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/BEL_5F_1917Ghent.jpg" alt="BEL_5F_1917Ghent.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: This is the type 1 5 Franken issue of WWI Ghent, Belgium. For the full story on this series of unusual emergency coins, see below. VIEW &amp; DOWNLOAD: Here's a link to the article I wrote for the &quot;NI Bulletin&quot; [Sep/Oct 2023], the bimonthly publication of Numismatics International. It explores the conditions of the WWI minting of these unusual emergency coins of Ghent, Belgium - click this: Moneta Sun, 07 Mar 2021 13:17:16 -0800 Belgium - 1 Franken Ghent WWI German Occupation /showphoto.php?photo=3294&title=belgium1-franken-ghent-wwi-german-occupation&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3294&amp;title=belgium1-franken-ghent-wwi-german-occupation&amp;cat=567"><img title="BEL_1FR_Ghent_1919.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/BEL_1FR_Ghent_1919.jpg" alt="BEL_1FR_Ghent_1919.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Ghent Belgium Emergency WWI coin under German occupation; 2nd variety type where the expiration date given as 11.19 rather than the other type presented as 1.1. 1919. I've have the other type where the extra dot in a wide spaced '1 1' is very faint. So, I have three examples here in the Moneta Museum now. One with full dots, one with no 1st dot, and one the shows a weak dot. There's a better than even chance that KM, that shows varieties with and w/o the dot, is mistaken. I think the die became filled and that the version with a weak 1st dot is merely a transitional example of a coin with just one die type. A nice example, well struck with a natural even tone on both sides. OB, brass on iron: Rampant lion to the left within circles with a legend in Dutch (above) and French (below). Lettering: STAD = GENT (Flemish); VILLE DE GAND (French). Rampant Lion, symbol of Ghent, in the center. RX, copper on iron: 1915, 1 FR (Franken) at the center; Lettering: =REMBOURSABLE=UITBETAALBAAR=1 1.1919. [Translation: Refundable 1.1.1919]. VIEW &amp; DOWNLOAD: Here's a link to the article I wrote for the &quot;NI Bulletin&quot; [Sep/Oct 2023], the bimonthly publication of Numismatics International. It explores the conditions of the WWI minting of these unusual emergency coins of Ghent, Belgium - click this: Moneta Sun, 07 Mar 2021 13:04:09 -0800 Belgium - 50 Centimes [thin] 1915 Ghent WWI German Occupation /showphoto.php?photo=3293&title=belgium50-centimes-thin-1915-ghent-wwi-german-occupation&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3293&amp;title=belgium50-centimes-thin-1915-ghent-wwi-german-occupation&amp;cat=567"><img title="BEL_50c_Ghent_1915.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/BEL_50c_Ghent_1915.jpg" alt="BEL_50c_Ghent_1915.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: These are often listed on European coin sites as having two types, one with a 'thick 50' and the other with a 'thin 50', from photos this piece appears to be the thin variety. KM does not document the different types. I'll soon present here all of the regular issues of Ghent with a full story of these unusual emergency war issues, please check back soon. OB: Lettering: .STAD=GENT. VILLE DE GAND; [Translation: City of Ghent] RX: UIT BETAALBAAR ° OP 1 JANUARIJ 1917°; at center 1915 50 CEN (unclear); REMBOURSABLE ° LE 1 JANVIER 1917 °; [Translation: Convertable (reimbursable] on 1 January 1917. 512,000 struck of both varieties. VIEW &amp; DOWNLOAD: Here's a link to the article I wrote for the &quot;NI Bulletin&quot; [Sep/Oct 2023], the bimonthly publication of Numismatics International. It explores the conditions of the WWI minting of these unusual emergency coins of Ghent, Belgium - click this: Moneta Sun, 07 Mar 2021 12:56:44 -0800 Antwerp 5 centimes 1814 (siege coin by occuping French forces under Louis) /showphoto.php?photo=3118&title=antwerp-5-centimes-1814-siege-coin-by-occuping-french-forces-under-louis&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3118&amp;title=antwerp-5-centimes-1814-siege-coin-by-occuping-french-forces-under-louis&amp;cat=567"><img title="Antwerp_1814_5c_LL.JPG" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/Antwerp_1814_5c_LL.JPG" alt="Antwerp_1814_5c_LL.JPG" /></a><br /><br />by: numismatist6<br /><br />Description: This is one of the siege coins issued by French forces occupying Antwerp while it was besieged by Prussian, Russian, and British forces. This one was issued under Louis XVIII after Napoleon abdicated. numismatist6 Tue, 09 Jun 2020 10:08:07 -0700 Belgium - 25 Centimes 1915 - German Occupation /showphoto.php?photo=2876&title=belgium25-centimes-1915german-occupation&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=2876&amp;title=belgium25-centimes-1915german-occupation&amp;cat=567"><img title="BEL_25c_1915.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/BEL_25c_1915.jpg" alt="BEL_25c_1915.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: A great example of a zinc coin minted between 1915 and 1918 - that's right, German Occupied Belgium during the The Great War, the War to End All Wars, World War I. See the Moneta collection of German Occupied Ghent. Moneta Sun, 07 Oct 2018 17:56:46 -0700 Belgium - 50 Centimes 1901 - French /showphoto.php?photo=2786&title=belgium50-centimes-1901french&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=2786&amp;title=belgium50-centimes-1901french&amp;cat=567"><img title="BEL_Leo_50c_1901_FR.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/BEL_Leo_50c_1901_FR.jpg" alt="BEL_Leo_50c_1901_FR.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Leopold II - difficult issue to find in Unc. This issue came in two language legends, this is the French version. Both versions saw 3 M struck. A 1 Year type. It turns out that this King of Belgium is considered like the forth world mass people killer in history. Just behind Adolph Hitler (~17 Million total), Leopold II is responsible for something like 15 million dead in the Belgian Congo. To be fair though, he might not have known the full extent of the death count during his reign. His henchmen sent to control the natives, exploit their land (rubber, coffee, cocoa) and enslave them to work on these plantations knew full well the death they caused under the auspices of Leopold II. Moneta Mon, 14 May 2018 17:28:37 -0700 Belgium - 50 Centimes 1901 Lion /showphoto.php?photo=2785&title=belgium50-centimes-1901-lion&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=2785&amp;title=belgium50-centimes-1901-lion&amp;cat=567"><img title="BEL_Leo_50c_1901_FL.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/BEL_Leo_50c_1901_FL.jpg" alt="BEL_Leo_50c_1901_FL.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Leopold II - difficult issue to find in Unc. This issue came in two language legends, this is the Dutch (or Flemish?) version. Both versions saw 3 M struck. It turns out that this King of Belgium is considered like the forth world mass people killer in history. Just behind Adolph Hitler (~17 Million total), Leopold II is responsible for something like 15 million dead in the Belgian Congo. To be fair though, he might not have known the full extent of the death count during his reign. His henchmen sent to control the natives, exploit their land (rubber, coffee, cocoa) and enslave them to work on these plantations knew full well the death they caused under the auspices of Leopold II. Moneta Mon, 14 May 2018 17:23:03 -0700 Belgium, GHENT - German Occupation 1915 2 Franks /showphoto.php?photo=1861&title=belgium-2c-ghentgerman-occupation-1915-2-franks&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1861&amp;title=belgium-2c-ghentgerman-occupation-1915-2-franks&amp;cat=567"><img title="BelGhent2Fr.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/BelGhent2Fr.jpg" alt="BelGhent2Fr.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Emergency money for Belgium and the Flemish Ghent (Gent) region during WWI German occupation (1915 - 1918). Designed by the famous sculptor Georges Verbanck. These were somehow used/issued by the Germans to encourage the Flemish separatist movement from Belgium. Beautiful execution of an iron planchet layered with brass and copper here the color is a bit off). Other denominations exist in this series (1 Frank, 50 Centimes), some are round. There seems to be a wide variation of prices asked for these in the European market. I've seen asking prices of over $500 (high grade). Generally, I'd say paying more than about $100 would be a mistake. Half that amount is about right and the various denominations, shapes, etc. seem to be equally available. An iron coin with bras plating on the obverse and copper on the reverse to help prevent counterfeiting. In the series the 2 Franken is the most common and doesn't seem to have any varieties available. Year and value within circle and diamond. Lettering along edges, in Dutch above, in French below. Lettering: UITBETAALBAAR OP 1 JANUARIJ 1918 1915 2 FR REMBOURSABLE LE 1 JANVIER 1918 Translation: Refundable on January 1, 1918 1915 2 Francs Refundable on January 1, 1918 VIEW &amp; DOWNLOAD: Here's a link to the article I wrote for the &quot;NI Bulletin&quot; [Sep/Oct 2023], the bimonthly publication of Numismatics International. It explores the conditions of the WWI minting of these unusual emergency coins of Ghent, Belgium - click this: Moneta Sun, 06 Apr 2014 12:34:54 -0700 Belgium - Working Class Unite! /showphoto.php?photo=1860&title=belgiumworking-class-unite-21&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1860&amp;title=belgiumworking-class-unite-21&amp;cat=567"><img title="BelGhent5Fr1928.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/BelGhent5Fr1928.jpg" alt="BelGhent5Fr1928.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Belgium (Ghent or Gent); Flemish region. OB: &quot;Door Samenwerking Tot Verheffing Der Werkende Klasse&quot; is: 'By Working Together to Uplift the Working Class'. Has a counterstamp (?, dragon w/crown on it's back, or SMv) below. Two center figures, top one is female; the one below appears to hold a book or plaque that might say &quot;Mai&quot;, for the traditional May 1 revolutionary movement day. Rx: &quot;Warder Vijf Frank&quot; is 'Value 5 Frank'. &quot;VOORUIT&quot; on the center banner means 'FORWARD!' (just like the 2nd election campaign slogan of Barrack H. Obama). Bread Token or a type of ration card. This is a medal of the socialist consumer organization (or cooperative) &quot;Forward&quot; (1880-1970), in 1880, first as a cooperative bakery &quot;Come On&quot;. These also appear with the date 1921, hence this repunched 8 over 1. Vooruit (Dutch: Kunstencentrum Vooruit,[a] lit. 'Forward Arts Centre') is an historic complex in Ghent, Belgium. Vooruit was originally the festival and art center of the Ghent-based labor movement, with a ballroom, cinema, theater, etc. It is now mainly used for concerts and other cultural events. Vooruit was designed by Ferdinand Dierkens and built between 1911 and 1914 and became a symbol of the socialist movement in the interwar period. The building is named after the socialist consumer organization (or cooperative) Vooruit (&quot;Forward&quot;) (1891-1970), supported by Edward Anseele, to protect workers against the instability of capitalism. There workers could eat, drink and enjoy culture at affordable costs. You can see more information on Belgian tokens at this: Moneta Sun, 06 Apr 2014 11:45:59 -0700 Belgium - National Maiden /showphoto.php?photo=1388&title=belgiumnational-maiden&cat=567 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1388&amp;title=belgiumnational-maiden&amp;cat=567"><img title="Belgium1FR1950.jpg" border="0" src="data/567/thumbs/Belgium1FR1950.jpg" alt="Belgium1FR1950.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: This is about the only selection I could find for the Ceres/National Maiden special project I have in the works representing Belgium. This was issued in French and Dutch (Flemish), this is the French version. BELGIQUE. Moneta Sun, 01 Jan 2012 14:07:24 -0800 St. Lambert - Liege 1686 /showphoto.php?photo=2617&title=stlambertliege-1686&cat=576 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=2617&amp;title=stlambertliege-1686&amp;cat=576"><img title="Leodi1686.jpg" border="0" src="data/576/thumbs/Leodi1686.jpg" alt="Leodi1686.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Belgium (Liège, Chapter of St. Lambert): copper méreau or communion token; memento mori, 1686. Low Countries; OB: ANNIVERSARIVM; skull &amp; crossed bones - 1686. RX: ECCLESI LEODI; (Church of Liège); crossed bones with two flames. St. Lambert Charity token of the Netherlands area (Liege). The thousand year anniversary of when Pepin, King of the Franks, allowed Lambert to return to his Holy See at Maastricht. St. Lambert served as the Bishop of Maastricht and later, Liège, where he is celebrated as a martyr and patron saint, having defended the fidelity of marriage and not succumbing to Merovingian politics. Though buried at Maasticht, his successor, St. Hubertus, had his relics removed and enshrined at Liège. St. Hubert was sent to Rome on a pilgrimage by St. Lambert (~A.D. 640-705); while there St. Lambert was martyred and Hubert was designated bishop by the Pope. Upon his return St. Hubert built a magnificent church at Liege and had St. Lambert's remains interred there. The diocese seat was moved there and the the city soon grew in size &amp; stature. St. Lambert is the patron of many large churches. Rare type without lower jaw on skull. Eklund (Ek) # 85; Neumann II 13920. CU méreau (21mm, 4.8g). Dated 1686. Several other types exist in this series. Some depict the skull straight on with lower jaw, others do not include a date, and one 3/4 view to the left. I've seen a cruder type dated 1655 and another crude type where the skull is located directly over the crossed bones. It would be an interesting challenge and numismatic accomplishment to document all of these types. As I recall, Eklund (&quot;Charity Tokens of the Netherlands&quot;, O. P. Eklund, Low Countries) only shows about three types. This shows a few other types with the earliest date of 1635 (translate to English). With the variety of dates found on these tokens it's not credible to say these celebrate a 1000 year anniversary, necessarily. The site doesn't claim to know what the ANNIVERSARIVM refers to and even describes some of these tokens as attendance tokens. BELGIUM. Luik (Liège). Chapter of St. Lambert's Cathedral bronze Méreau or Communion Token. Struck late 17th century. Used for the receiving of food during feast day celebrations. As early as the sixteenth century there had been an organized system of poor relief in the Netherlands, with the Protestant and Catholic churches having a leading role. A number of these churches issued tokens to their poorer parishioners. The holder of these tokens received bread or other various distributions. During the medieval period, the skull and bones emblem was a common decoration used on tombstones, as it was in Roman and early Christian tombs. It represents the banishment of all evil spirits from a holy place. VIEW &amp; DOWNLOAD: The recent article I wrote for the March/April 2023 issue of Numismatics International's journal, the &quot;NI BULLETIN&quot; can be obtained at this: Moneta Wed, 19 Jul 2006 21:38:12 -0700