Moneta's Temple and Gallery en-us Sun, 06 Oct 2024 11:26:52 -0700 PhotoPost Pro 7.0 60 Germany - Opel Factory w/ A. Hitler Portrait 1933 /showphoto.php?photo=3595&title=germanyopel-factory-w-2f-ahitler-portrait-1933&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3595&amp;title=germanyopel-factory-w-2f-ahitler-portrait-1933&amp;cat=641"><img title="GER_Opel_AHitler_1933.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/GER_Opel_AHitler_1933.jpg" alt="GER_Opel_AHitler_1933.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Zach P. Collection. 1 May 1933 &quot;Day of the German Workers&quot; medal. This type is listed in &quot;Medallic Portraits of Adolf Hitler&quot; by R.W. Colbert and William D. Hyder as C-40, however, there it's listed as made in copper. Most coins, medals and tokens of the period are not made of copper, a critical industrial metal at the time. It's described without a photo so it may be an error or it may have been struck in white metal too. Here the medal appears to be about 36 mm in diameter. The description from the reference above is: C-40; Obverse: Bust of Hitler facing left. The inscription reads, &quot;ADOLF HITLER / DER FUHRER AUS DER NOT&quot; or &quot;Adolf Hitler, the leader out of the hardship (want).&quot; Reverse: The Opel factory is portrayed, surrounded by the inscription, &quot;N.S.B.O. OPELWERKE / 1.MAI.1933 TAG DER DEUTSCHEN ARBEIT ':'&quot; or &quot;Organization of National Socialist Industrial Cells (Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellenorganisation) - Opel Factory; May 1, 1933 - Day of the German Worker.&quot; Physical Details: Struck in copper. 30mm Further Information about US General Motors and Opel: Hitler knew that the biggest auto and truck manufacturer in Germany was not Daimler or any other German carmaker. The biggest automotive manufacturer in Germany — indeed in all of Europe — was General Motors, which since 1929 had owned and operated the longtime German firm Opel. GM’s Opel, infused with millions in GM cash and assembly-line know-how, produced some 40 percent of the vehicles in Germany and about 65 percent of its exports. Indeed, Opel dominated Germany’s auto industry. Click this: for the full article. Further info on the collaboration of Ford Motors and GM with the Nazis can be found at this: Yet more info, including a photo of the expected copper version at this: Moneta Sun, 18 Sep 2022 14:17:37 -0700 Germany - Hindenburg 2 Reichsmark 1939 E /showphoto.php?photo=3481&title=germanyhindenburg-2-reichsmark-1939-e&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3481&amp;title=germanyhindenburg-2-reichsmark-1939-e&amp;cat=641"><img title="GER_2RM_1939E.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/GER_2RM_1939E.jpg" alt="GER_2RM_1939E.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: This is a key date with low mintage of 250,825 struck. Moneta Mon, 14 Feb 2022 15:35:14 -0800 Bohemia &amp; Moravia - Koruna 1941 /showphoto.php?photo=3373&title=bohemia26amp-3b-moraviakoruna-1941&cat=891 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3373&amp;title=bohemia26amp-3b-moraviakoruna-1941&amp;cat=891"><img title="Bohemia_Moravia_Koruna_1941.jpg" border="0" src="data/891/thumbs/Bohemia_Moravia_Koruna_1941.jpg" alt="Bohemia_Moravia_Koruna_1941.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Here's a nice example of a region, now known as the Czech Republic, that was known as Bohemia and Moravia during World War II while under the protection of Nazi Germany. This area, where many German speaking people lived, became the catalyst for alarm when Third Reich (Nazi) Germany decided their need for &quot;lebensraum&quot; [living space] meant they should occupy the western section of Czechoslovakia to protect the Germans living there. Another aspect of this was the Nazification of Austria and the occupation of Poland, all preliminary to the beginning of WWII. In a center there is element of coat of arms of The Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (coat of arms of Czech): crowned lion rampant to the left. Semicircular inscriptions – in German language: BÖHMEN UND MÄHREN (above) and on Czech: ČECHY A MORAVA. Lettering: BÖHMEN UND MÄHREN, ČECHY A MORAVA Translation: Bohemia and Moravia (German and Czech); OB. Engraver: Jaroslav Eder. Rx: Engraver: Otakar Španiel; Minted in Lysá nad Labem in a metal furniture factory. Minted from 1941 to 1944 with 104.8 M minted over the four years of production. Moneta Mon, 25 Oct 2021 18:28:16 -0700 Germany - NSDAP [Nazi] Voting Donation medal - 1932 /showphoto.php?photo=3095&title=germanynsdap-nazi-voting-donation-medal1932&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3095&amp;title=germanynsdap-nazi-voting-donation-medal1932&amp;cat=641"><img title="NSDAPvote_1932.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/NSDAPvote_1932.jpg" alt="NSDAPvote_1932.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: GERMANY: Weimar Republic, AR gilt medal (19.84g), 1932, Hyder &amp; Colbert-D23, 35mm gilt silver election donation medal by the NSDAP, hands raised all around a large swastika // (Swastika) / REICHSTAGS- / WAHL / 1932 / KAMPF-SCHATZ / SPENDE in center with N.S.D.A.P KAPITULIEREN-NIEMALS! around, toned reverse, lightly cleaned, &quot;990&quot; on edge, nearly XF, Rare. Reichstag Vote of 6 Nov. 1932 Donation medal. This was the last free election for Germany until 1949, Hitler gained the Chancellor of Germany position in Jan. 1933. While the Nazi Party (N.S.D.A.P.) lost votes in this election, by 13 percentage points they were the majority party of Germany over the SDP Party. Therefore it heightened the struggle the Nazis had with the various communist parties at the time. Thus, this last vote was instrumental in setting up Hitler for eventual dictatorship. &quot;KAPITULIEREN-NIEMALS!&quot; means 'Never Capitulate!' or 'Never Surrender!' The &quot;KAMPF~SCHATZ SPENDE&quot; Google translates as 'FIGHT TREASURE / DONATION' the true meaning might be 'Campaign Treasury Donation.' This medal has a bold distinctive design and was given to those who contributed significant funds towards the election campaign. Moneta Mon, 11 May 2020 21:15:21 -0700 Austria - Nazi Swastika counterstamp - Groschen 1927 /showphoto.php?photo=3496&title=austrianazi-swastika-counterstampgroschen-1927&cat=566 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=3496&amp;title=austrianazi-swastika-counterstampgroschen-1927&amp;cat=566"><img title="Aus_Swastika_1G_1927.jpg" border="0" src="data/566/thumbs/Aus_Swastika_1G_1927.jpg" alt="Aus_Swastika_1G_1927.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: The book on world counterstamps was written by Mr. Gregory Brunk. In the section on Austria he has several types of Austrian coins that were counterstamped by Nazi sympathisers in Austria before and after the Anschluss, or the unification of Austria and Germany under the Third Reich. Some thin armed swastikas are considered fantasies that were issued for sale to collectors in the 1960's and '70's. When this specimen was found the counterstamp had been filled with a dark material, after cleaning the C/S was revealed to be the thick armed style that is generally considered to be the type issued for propaganda purposes in the late 1930's and early 1940's. The host coin is an Austrian Groschen of 1927, showing wear on the reverse of the C/S, indicating some circulation after the return to circulation post C/S. This authentic thick armed variety is shown in &quot;Medallic Portraits of Adolf Hitler&quot; by Colbert and Hyder in the introduction section. There it is stated that these counterstamped pieces were made and issued following the leader (Dollfuss) of Austria's ban (1932 - 1933) on Nazi insignia, uniforms and propaganda as a way of keeping the thought of Nazi unification in peoples' minds. RARE! Moneta Sat, 15 Dec 2018 18:11:13 -0800 Germany - Hindenburg 2 RM 1938E /showphoto.php?photo=2847&title=germanyhindenburg-2-rm-1938e&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=2847&amp;title=germanyhindenburg-2-rm-1938e&amp;cat=641"><img title="GER_Hind2RM_1938E.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/GER_Hind2RM_1938E.jpg" alt="GER_Hind2RM_1938E.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: A higher grade than is usually found of this year/mint, that's not one of the higher mintages. Regular issue Hindenburg. Moneta Sun, 23 Sep 2018 18:31:13 -0700 German Occupied Territory 5 Reichspfennig 1940A /showphoto.php?photo=2846&title=german-occupied-territory-5-reichspfennig-1940a&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=2846&amp;title=german-occupied-territory-5-reichspfennig-1940a&amp;cat=641"><img title="GER_Military_5pf_1940A.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/GER_Military_5pf_1940A.jpg" alt="GER_Military_5pf_1940A.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Reichs Credit Cassen (Reichs Credit Office or Bank) for German Military Occupied areas, a place you don't want to be. Be sure to see the extremely RARE 1941 A issue of this coin belonging to Zantetsuken - I'm very envious! This is my second image of the same coin. When the Wehrmacht entered any foreign country, it issued decrees making this money legal tender at a specified exchange rate with the indigenous currency at a ratio, usually the pre-invasion rate, between reichmarks and the local money thus it was tied to the Reichsmark. German troops received their pay in Reichs Kredit Kassen scheine and since the currency was legal tender only in the occupied areas, the soldiers had to spend their money there or forfeit its value on returning to Germany. By using these non-convertible occupation currencies the Germans effectively transferred the total cost of the occupation to the defeated country! With the German annexation of Austria and the Sudetenland portion of Czechoslovakia in 1938, these territories were incorporated into the German Reich and the Reichsmark was made legal tender in these territories by decrees of March 17, 1938 (Order for the transfer of the Austrian National Bank to the Reichsbank, Reichsgesetz blatt 1938, 1, No 27, p. 254) and October 10, 1938 (Decree regarding the introduction of Reichsmark Currency into Sudeten German Territories, Bank for International Settlements, Doc. L. D. 36). In most cases decrees regulated the rate of exchange between the occupied territory and the German Reichs bank. For example, a decree dated September 11, 1939 established the exchange ratio between the Reichsmark and the Polish Zloty at 1 (one) Zloty = 50 (fifty) Reichspfennig. However, in order to control military spending and inflation a series of legal decrees in Berlin established the operation of a military central banking institution called &quot;Reichs Kredit Kassen&quot;. This organization issued both coins and paper currency legal tender at first only in Poland, later expanded to other occupied territories. Two zinc coins, a 5 and 10 pfennig, were issued to the military forces as mentioned above. These coins, with the German eagle on one side and swastika and REICHS KREDIT KASSEN on the other, were unique as no other German issue is holed (except German East Africa). This first appeared in Poland in 1939, backed partly by loans and partly by occupation cost accounts. In 1940 it appeared in Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium and France; in 1941 in the Balkans and in Russia; thus for a while it was legal tender throughout German-occupied Europe. Moneta Sun, 23 Sep 2018 18:18:27 -0700 Nazi Donation Schilling - Austria /showphoto.php?photo=2565&title=nazi-donation-schillingaustria&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=2565&amp;title=nazi-donation-schillingaustria&amp;cat=641"><img title="Ger_AUST_1Sdonation.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Ger_AUST_1Sdonation.jpg" alt="Ger_AUST_1Sdonation.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: While this doesn't feature a portrait of Hitler it is similar to the Opferpfennige and Spende pieces shown in this Museum because there is a denomination. In this case a 1 Schilling donation remembrance for the hard winter campaign of 1936. Features a touching and artististic representation of a family bundled against the winter cold. When the Nazi regime took control of Germany in 1933, individual charitable organizations conducted their own street collections. These organizations typically gave each contributor a token of thanks for their generosity. Desiring to bring these disparate charitable organizations under State control, the regime designated the Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes (WHW) as the State charitable organization and started to exert control over these other charitable groups. The smaller organizations had street collections with the accompanying tokens until about 1936, when they were folded into the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV) (National Socialist People’s Welfare Organization). The larger groups, such as the Deutsche Jugendherbergwerk (DJH) (German Youth Hostels) and Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK) (German Red Cross), were able to hold onto their identity and continued to have collections throughout the war, usually once a year. The other organizations tended to be special interest groups supporting a particular cause or agenda. Moneta Sun, 16 Apr 2017 10:49:30 -0700 Hilter - 50 Opferpfennige Copper /showphoto.php?photo=2520&title=hilter50-opferpfennige-copper&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=2520&amp;title=hilter50-opferpfennige-copper&amp;cat=641"><img title="GER_Opfer_50pfCU_Hitler.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/GER_Opfer_50pfCU_Hitler.jpg" alt="GER_Opfer_50pfCU_Hitler.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Anecdotally, the copper variety is much scarcer than the aluminum-bronze alloy. Other than on un-denominated medals and campaign tokens, etc., I know of no other denominated tokens featuring a portrait of Adolf Hitler [Schickelgruber]. Obverse: &quot;HEIL HITLER&quot; separates &quot;DEUTSCHLANDS ERNEUERER&quot; =[Germany's Renewer, or Restorer]; Reverse: &quot;AVCH ICH HAB MITGEHOLFEN&quot; = [I, too, have helped]; &quot;OPFERPFENNIGE&quot; = [Sacrificial Penny, or small contribution]. These 'Opferpfennige' are very rare. They were sold, probably at face value, in order to raise money for the NSDAP [Nazi] Party. These come in denominations of 30, &amp; 50 Opferpfennige and 1 Mark. Some new information: In general, the sale of these donation pieces was forbidden by German law before the Nazi takeover. As part of the transition or phase out of the SA (a large thuggish organization and early enforcers, or intimidators, used by the NSDAP) the SA was placed on the streets to help raise money and give them something to do for their pay. As part of this effort they sold the whole gamut medals, tokens, and opferpfennige. These particular denominated pieces are said to have been distributed primarily in Austria [D. Thompson, &quot;World Coin News,&quot; May 13, 1991, p.26]; which is odd for being denominated in Pfennigs and Marks. Nazi activity was strong in Austria but the the country was not incorporated into Germany until 1938. This example is about as nice as they come, Unc Red/brn. The style of the swastika used on the reverse is occasionally used by the Nazis. Also known as the Bolgar cross, Sunwheel, solar cross or Woden's cross. Used in Europe since the Neolithic era and by ancient and contemporary Native American culture to represent respectively Neopagan beliefs and the great Medicine Wheel of life. I've obtained a copy of &quot;Medallic Portraits of Adolf Hitler&quot; by R.W. Colbert and William D. Hyder so I'm now able to help identify the tokens and medals of the 3rd Reich portraying Hitler. No values or mintage figures are given, but they have established the only cataloging system, contact me for info. With this book I have ID'd this as C-24. The early 'enforcers' of the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party) were the SA (Sturmabteilung, literally Storm Detachment), a brutish force that helped protect Nazi gatherings from the communists and other opposition. Later, after the SS (Schutzstaffel, or Protection Squadron) was formed, the the SA became an embarrassment, and before they were disbanded, one of their tasks was to canvas for contributions to the party. These tokens were only issued between 1929 and 1933. The SA typically gave each contributor a token of thanks for their generosity. After they were disbanded other charitable groups collected money and gave tokens of the 'Winter Help&quot; variety. Desiring to bring these disparate charitable organizations under State control, the regime designated the Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes (WHW) as the State charitable organization and started to exert control over these other charitable groups. The smaller organizations had street collections with the accompanying tokens until about 1936, when they were folded into the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV) (National Socialist People’s Welfare Organization). The larger groups, such as the Deutsche Jugendherbergwerk (DJH) (German Youth Hostels) and Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK) (German Red Cross), were able to hold onto their identity and continued to have collections throughout the war, usually once a year. The other organizations tended to be special interest groups supporting a particular cause or agenda. A word of caution...I have now seen a fake of this type of token (foreign web site). It was a copper toned 30 Opferpfennig that even appeared to be worn, however, the portrait was a simple engraving rather than the detailed kind here, of dozens I've seen and a few that I own, it's the only fake I've ever encountered. Moneta Thu, 26 Jan 2017 16:25:29 -0800 Hitler 30 Opferpfennig /showphoto.php?photo=2519&title=hitler-30-opferpfennig&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=2519&amp;title=hitler-30-opferpfennig&amp;cat=641"><img title="Ger_Opfer30pfg_Hitler.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Ger_Opfer30pfg_Hitler.jpg" alt="Ger_Opfer30pfg_Hitler.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Rare brilliant uncirculated 3rd Reich 30 Opferpfennige. Other than on un-denominated medals and campaign tokens, etc., I know of no other denominated tokens featuring a portrait of Adolf Hitler [Schickelgruber]. Obverse: &quot;HEIL HITLER&quot; separates &quot;DEUTSCHLANDS ERNEUERER&quot; =[Germany's Renewer, or Restorer]; Reverse: &quot;AVCH ICH HAB MITGEHOLFEN&quot; = [I, too, have helped]; &quot;OPFERPFENNIGE&quot; = [Sacrificial Penny, or small contribution]. These 'Opferpfennige' are very rare. They were sold, probably at face value, in order to raise money for the NSDAP [Nazi] Party. These come in denominations of 30 &amp; 50 Opferpfennige and 1 Mark. This example is as good as it gets. The style of the swastika used on the reverse is occasionally used by the Nazis. Also known as the Bolgar cross, Sunwheel, solar cross or Woden's cross. Used in Europe since the Neolithic era and by ancient and contemporary Native American culture to represent respectively Neo-Pagan beliefs and the great Medicine Wheel of life. I've obtained a copy of &quot;Medallic Portraits of Adolf Hitler&quot; by R.W. Colbert and William D. Hyder so I'm now able to help identify the tokens and medals of the 3rd Reich portraying Hitler. No values or mintage figures are given, but they have established the only cataloging system, contact me~ for info. With this book I have ID'd this as C-23. While I have looked long and hard, I have yet to find a decent example of the copper colored 30 Opferpfennig, I'm not even positive I've ever seen one. The early 'enforcers' of the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party) were the SA (Sturmabteilung, literally Storm Detachment), a brutish force that helped protect Nazi gatherings from the communists and other opposition. Later, after the SS (Schutzstaffel, or Protection Squadron) was formed, the the SA became an embarrassment, and before they were disbanded, one of their tasks was to canvas for contributions to the party. These tokens were only issued between 1929 and 1933. The SA typically gave each contributor a token of thanks for their generosity. After they were disbanded other charitable groups collected money and gave tokens of the 'Winter Help&quot; variety. Desiring to bring these disparate charitable organizations under State control, the regime designated the Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes (WHW) as the State charitable organization and started to exert control over these other charitable groups. The smaller organizations had street collections with the accompanying tokens until about 1936, when they were folded into the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV) (National Socialist People’s Welfare Organization). The larger groups, such as the Deutsche Jugendherbergwerk (DJH) (German Youth Hostels) and Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK) (German Red Cross), were able to hold onto their identity and continued to have collections throughout the war, usually once a year. The other organizations tended to be special interest groups supporting a particular cause or agenda. Moneta Thu, 26 Jan 2017 16:10:03 -0800 GERMANY (THIRD REICH)~10 Reichspfennig 1941 A /showphoto.php?photo=2382&title=germany-third-reich-7e10-reichspfennig1941-a&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=2382&amp;title=germany-third-reich-7e10-reichspfennig1941-a&amp;cat=641"><img title="GERMANY_MILITARY_10_Reichspfennig_1941_A.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/GERMANY_MILITARY_10_Reichspfennig_1941_A.jpg" alt="GERMANY_MILITARY_10_Reichspfennig_1941_A.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Zantetsuken<br /><br />Description: Issued for occupied territories only. Two-year type. Mint: Berlin *EXTREMELY RARE* Zantetsuken Tue, 12 Jul 2016 17:24:06 -0700 3rd Reich Schiller 2 Mark - 1934 F /showphoto.php?photo=2166&title=3rd-reich-schiller-2-mark1934-f&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=2166&amp;title=3rd-reich-schiller-2-mark1934-f&amp;cat=641"><img title="GerSchiller2M34.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/GerSchiller2M34.jpg" alt="GerSchiller2M34.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: The Nazis continued the Weimar Republic series of commemorative issues, but only for the first two years after gaining power. The first issue of 1933 commemorated the 450th Year of the Birth of Martin Luther. The second and last issue was for the 175th Year of the Birth of Friedrich Schiller. Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller; (10 November 1759 – 9 May 1805) was a German poet, philosopher, historian, and playwright. Both Nazi commemoratives were also struck in 5 Mark denominations. This one year, one mint, issue had 300k struck. The designer was Hubert Zimmerman. Moneta Sun, 09 Aug 2015 14:09:19 -0700 Hitler Portrait - 1 Mark Opfer-Spende /showphoto.php?photo=2026&title=hitler-portrait1-mark-opfer-spende&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=2026&amp;title=hitler-portrait1-mark-opfer-spende&amp;cat=641"><img title="GER_Hitler_OpferMK.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/GER_Hitler_OpferMK.jpg" alt="GER_Hitler_OpferMK.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Other than on un-denominated medals and campaign tokens, etc., I know of no other denominated tokens featuring a portrait of Adolf Hitler other than the series of 'donation tokens'. Obverse: &quot;HEIL HITLER&quot; separates &quot;DEUTSCHLANDS ERNEUERER&quot; =[Germany's Renovater, or Restorer]; Reverse: &quot;AVCH ICH HAB MITGEHOLFEN&quot; = [I, too, have helped]; &quot;OPFERSPENDE&quot; = [Sacrificial Donation]. These 'Opferpfennige' &amp; Opfer-Spende (Marks) are very rare. They were sold, probably at face value, in order to raise money for the NSDAP [Nazi] Party. I've seen these in denominations of 30 &amp; 50 Opferpfennige also, a 50's &amp; 30's pfgs (brass &amp; copper alloy) are here in the Museum. This example is pristine, a tad lightly struck in one area, and may be the best example around. Very difficult to find even a photo of these. The style of the swastika used on the reverse is occasionally used by the Nazis. Also known as the Bolgar cross, Sunwheel, solar cross or Woden's cross. Used in Europe since the Neolithic era and by ancient and contemporary Native American culture to represent, respectively, Neopagan beliefs and the great Medicine Wheel of life. Edge is plain. Contact: for a larger file size for research, documentation or printing. I've obtained a copy of &quot;Medallic Portraits of Adolf Hitler&quot; by R.W. Colbert and William D. Hyder so I'm now able to help identify the tokens and medals of the 3rd Reich portraying Hitler. No values or mintage figures are given, but they have established the only cataloging system, contact as above for info. With this book I have ID'd this as C-25. There is another 1 Mark type that is the same except that the 'Mark' is absent under the big '1'. The early 'enforcers' of the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party) were the SA (Sturmabteilung, literally Storm Detachment), a brutish force that helped protect Nazi gatherings from the communists and other opposition. Later, after the SS (Schutzstaffel, or Protection Squadron) was formed, the the SA became an embarrassment, and before they were disbanded, one of their tasks was to canvas for contributions to the party. These tokens were only issued between 1929 and 1933. The SA typically gave each contributor a token of thanks for their generosity. After they were disbanded other charitable groups collected money and gave tokens of the 'Winter Help&quot; variety. Desiring to bring these disparate charitable organizations under State control, the regime designated the Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes (WHW) as the State charitable organization and started to exert control over these other charitable groups. The smaller organizations had street collections with the accompanying tokens until about 1936, when they were folded into the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV) (National Socialist People’s Welfare Organization). The larger groups, such as the Deutsche Jugendherbergwerk (DJH) (German Youth Hostels) and Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK) (German Red Cross), were able to hold onto their identity and continued to have collections throughout the war, usually once a year. The other organizations tended to be special interest groups supporting a particular cause or agenda. Moneta Sun, 28 Sep 2014 11:16:27 -0700 Adolf Hitler portrait medal /showphoto.php?photo=1801&title=adolf-hitler-portrait-medal&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1801&amp;title=adolf-hitler-portrait-medal&amp;cat=641"><img title="GerHITLERbrz.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/GerHITLERbrz.jpg" alt="GerHITLERbrz.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: A large bronze medal with a bold portrait of Adolf Hitler. These must have been issued early as the sacrifice of this quantity of metal would not have been tolerated in later years. The reverse is: &quot;Zur Erinnerung an die Heimkehr ins Reich&quot; - best translation of this might be &quot;To Commemorate the Return [of Austria] to the Reich (Empire)&quot;. &quot;Medallic Portraits of Adolf Hitler&quot; by R.W. Colbert and William Hyder lists this as C-106 and I've seen a similar condition example in a box (2014) for $395. Artist of this medal was Hanish Concee. Moneta Sat, 08 Feb 2014 12:20:12 -0800 Hitler 1 Mk Opfer Token /showphoto.php?photo=1753&title=hitler-1-mk-opfer-token&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1753&amp;title=hitler-1-mk-opfer-token&amp;cat=641"><img title="Hitler1MkOpfer.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Hitler1MkOpfer.jpg" alt="Hitler1MkOpfer.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Submitted by John C. as an item his father had for a long time. These are the only types (30 Opf., 50 Opf., 1 Mark) of 3rd Reich numismatic items that are denominated and have the Hitler portrait. [ed. In the mean-time I've been fortunate enough to find this, and other very scarce examples which can now all be seen in the Moneta Museum.] Please leave a comment below if you have more information on these. Moneta Thu, 09 Jan 2014 16:39:14 -0800 3rd Reich 5 Pf 1940 A /showphoto.php?photo=1716&title=3rd-reich-5-pf-1940-a&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1716&amp;title=3rd-reich-5-pf-1940-a&amp;cat=641"><img title="Ger3_5pf_40A.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Ger3_5pf_40A.jpg" alt="Ger3_5pf_40A.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Nicer preservation on this zinc coin. 1st year of issue. Moneta Mon, 18 Feb 2013 11:53:56 -0800 Germany 3rd R. - 5 RM 1935G /showphoto.php?photo=1668&title=germany-3rd-r5-rm-1935g&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1668&amp;title=germany-3rd-r5-rm-1935g&amp;cat=641"><img title="Ger3rd-5RM35G.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Ger3rd-5RM35G.jpg" alt="Ger3rd-5RM35G.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: A good example but not the UNC the seller described it. It is the 2nd scarcest key date/mm. Potsdam Church w/o date. The Potsdam Garrison Church, a symbol of evil and pivotal to the solidification of Nazi rule, is possibly going to be rebuilt. The Garrison Church, an 18th-century Protestant Baroque church was, until 1918, the parish church of the Prussian royal family. It was once one of the finest Baroque churches in northern Germany and it shaped the image of Potsdam. Bach played there and the kings of Prussia, including Frederick the Great, are buried there. The church was damaged by British air raids in 1945 and finally demolished in 1968 by East Germany's former communist regime. The church was the scene of Hitler's legitimization in the eyes of Germany's upper class, a critical moment in his rise to power. On March 21, 1933, Hitler reconvened the new parliament, the 'Reichstag', after the notorious Reichstag fire the previous month. The opening ceremony on the &quot;Day of Potsdam&quot; was a carefully choreographed gathering held at the Garrison Church, staged to demonstrate unity between the Nazi movement and the old Prussian elite and military. Appearing in a morning coat rather than his Nazi uniform, Adolf Hitler assumed an attitude of extreme humility, giving his hand to the aged, and popular, President Paul von Hindenburg. This propaganda performance, orchestrated by Josef Goebbels, transformed Hitler from someone the elite saw as a vulgar little man into someone they respected. The scene was filmed and presented in cinemas throughout the country and became an important part of Hitler's propaganda machine. The reconstruction planning began in 2011. Currently, reconstruction of the tower and its two wings is scheduled to be completed by 2017, which will mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and the 200th anniversary of the Prussian Church of the Union. Source: Thomas D. Williams, PH.D. - Breitbart (on-line, 19 Sept. 2014) Moneta Sun, 16 Dec 2012 12:48:10 -0800 Hitler 50 Opferpfennige - RARE /showphoto.php?photo=1582&title=hitler-50-opferpfennigerare&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1582&amp;title=hitler-50-opferpfennigerare&amp;cat=641"><img title="Hitler_Opferpfenig.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Hitler_Opferpfenig.jpg" alt="Hitler_Opferpfenig.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Other than on un-denominated medals and campaign tokens, etc., I know of no other denominated tokens featuring a portrait of Adolf Hitler [Schickelgruber]. Obverse: &quot;HEIL HITLER&quot; separates &quot;DEUTSCHLANDS ERNEUERER&quot; =[Germany's Renewer, or Restorer]; Reverse: &quot;AVCH ICH HAB MITGEHOLFEN&quot; = [I, too, have helped]; &quot;OPFERPFENNIGE&quot; = [Sacrificial Penny, or small contribution]. These 'Opferpfennige' are very rare. They were sold, probably at face value, in order to raise money for the NSDAP [Nazi] Party. I've seen these in denominations of 30 Opferpfennige and 1 Mark. This example is much better than most that I've seen. The style of the swastika used on the reverse is occasionally used by the Nazis. Also known as the Bolgar cross, Sunwheel, solar cross or Woden's cross. Used in Europe since the Neolithic era and by ancient and contemporary Native American culture to represent respectively Neopagan beliefs and the great Medicine Wheel of life. I've obtained a copy of &quot;Medallic Portraits of Adolf Hitler&quot; by R.W. Colbert and William D. Hyder so I'm now able to help identify the tokens and medals of the 3rd Reich portraying Hitler. No values or mintage figures are given, but they have established the only cataloging system, contact as above for info. With this book I have ID'd this as C-24 or C-27. The early 'enforcers' of the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party) were the SA (Sturmabteilung, literally Storm Detachment), a brutish force that helped protect Nazi gatherings from the communists and other opposition. Later, after the SS (Schutzstaffel, or Protection Squadron) was formed, the the SA became an embarrassment, and before they were disbanded, one of their tasks was to canvas for contributions to the party. These tokens were only issued between 1929 and 1933. The SA typically gave each contributor a token of thanks for their generosity. After they were disbanded other charitable groups collected money and gave tokens of the 'Winter Help&quot; variety. Desiring to bring these disparate charitable organizations under State control, the regime designated the Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes (WHW) as the State charitable organization and started to exert control over these other charitable groups. The smaller organizations had street collections with the accompanying tokens until about 1936, when they were folded into the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV) (National Socialist People’s Welfare Organization). The larger groups, such as the Deutsche Jugendherbergwerk (DJH) (German Youth Hostels) and Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK) (German Red Cross), were able to hold onto their identity and continued to have collections throughout the war, usually once a year. The other organizations tended to be special interest groups supporting a particular cause or agenda. Moneta Sun, 05 Aug 2012 12:35:50 -0700 Nazi Army 10 Pfennig /showphoto.php?photo=1581&title=nazi-army-10-pfennig&cat=641 Moneta Sun, 05 Aug 2012 12:27:04 -0700 Nazi childrens Play money /showphoto.php?photo=1580&title=nazi-childrens-play-money&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1580&amp;title=nazi-childrens-play-money&amp;cat=641"><img title="Nazi_Playmoney.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Nazi_Playmoney.jpg" alt="Nazi_Playmoney.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: I picked this up in a junk box in Germany ~1965. I've never seen another - SCARCE! Appears to be steel, slightly rusted, and probably issued before the war. Deutsches Spielgeld - 2 Reichsmark. Moneta Sun, 05 Aug 2012 12:15:42 -0700 Nazi SS Kantinageld Token /showphoto.php?photo=1579&title=nazi-ss-kantinageld-token&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1579&amp;title=nazi-ss-kantinageld-token&amp;cat=641"><img title="Nazi_SS.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Nazi_SS.jpg" alt="Nazi_SS.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Third Reich Nazi SS officers cantina token [Kantinegeld]- VERY RARE! The SS structure was originally formed as a magic order. Up until 1940, every SS commissioned officer was to take a special course in the runic magic, says Platov. By the way, the emblem &quot;SS&quot; is a double rune - Sigel which is well known as a victory symbol. See better example posted by Zantetsuken in this section of the Moneta Museum. Both have the same die crack.<br /><br />1 comment Moneta Sun, 05 Aug 2012 12:06:36 -0700 GERMANY (THIRD REICH)~50 Reichspfennig *Kantinegeld* 1939 /showphoto.php?photo=1447&title=germany-third-reich-7e50-reichspfennig2akantinegeld-2a-1939&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1447&amp;title=germany-third-reich-7e50-reichspfennig2akantinegeld-2a-1939&amp;cat=641"><img title="GERMANY_KANTINEGELD_50_Reichspfennig_1939.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/GERMANY_KANTINEGELD_50_Reichspfennig_1939.jpg" alt="GERMANY_KANTINEGELD_50_Reichspfennig_1939.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Zantetsuken<br /><br />Description: Beer token issued for SS officers. *VERY RARE* Zantetsuken Wed, 02 May 2012 18:47:33 -0700 GERMANY (THIRD REICH)~10 Reichspfennig 1945 E /showphoto.php?photo=1244&title=germany-third-reich-7e10-reichspfennig-1945-e&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1244&amp;title=germany-third-reich-7e10-reichspfennig-1945-e&amp;cat=641"><img title="Germany_10_Reichspfennig_1945_E.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Germany_10_Reichspfennig_1945_E.jpg" alt="Germany_10_Reichspfennig_1945_E.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Zantetsuken<br /><br />Description: Last issue for the Third Reich. Mint: Muldenhutten *SCARCE* Zantetsuken Sat, 05 Jun 2010 08:05:52 -0700 GERMANY (THIRD REICH)~10 Reichspfennig 1945 A /showphoto.php?photo=1243&title=germany-third-reich-7e10-reichspfennig-1945-a&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1243&amp;title=germany-third-reich-7e10-reichspfennig-1945-a&amp;cat=641"><img title="Germany_10_Reichspfennig_1945_A.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Germany_10_Reichspfennig_1945_A.jpg" alt="Germany_10_Reichspfennig_1945_A.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Zantetsuken<br /><br />Description: Last issue for the Third Reich. Mint: Berlin Zantetsuken Sat, 05 Jun 2010 08:02:44 -0700 GERMANY (THIRD REICH)~1 Reichspfennig 1945 A /showphoto.php?photo=1242&title=germany-third-reich-7e1-reichspfennig-1945-a&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1242&amp;title=germany-third-reich-7e1-reichspfennig-1945-a&amp;cat=641"><img title="Germany_1_Reichspfennig_1945_A.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Germany_1_Reichspfennig_1945_A.jpg" alt="Germany_1_Reichspfennig_1945_A.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Zantetsuken<br /><br />Description: Last issue for the Third Reich. Mint: Berlin Zantetsuken Sat, 05 Jun 2010 07:59:58 -0700 GERMANY (THIRD REICH)~10 Reichspfennig ~Military~ 1940 G /showphoto.php?photo=1240&title=germany-third-reich-7e10-reichspfennig7emilitary-7e-1940-g&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1240&amp;title=germany-third-reich-7e10-reichspfennig7emilitary-7e-1940-g&amp;cat=641"><img title="Germany_Military_10_Reichspfennig_1940_G.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Germany_Military_10_Reichspfennig_1940_G.jpg" alt="Germany_Military_10_Reichspfennig_1940_G.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Zantetsuken<br /><br />Description: Issued for occupied territories only. Mint: Karlsruhe *RARE* Zantetsuken Sat, 05 Jun 2010 05:31:39 -0700 GERMANY (THIRD REICH)~5 Reichspfennig ~Military~ 1940 D /showphoto.php?photo=1239&title=germany-third-reich-7e5-reichspfennig7emilitary-7e-1940-d&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1239&amp;title=germany-third-reich-7e5-reichspfennig7emilitary-7e-1940-d&amp;cat=641"><img title="Germany_Military_5_Reichspfennig1940_D.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Germany_Military_5_Reichspfennig1940_D.jpg" alt="Germany_Military_5_Reichspfennig1940_D.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Zantetsuken<br /><br />Description: Issued for occupied territories only. Mint: Munich *SCARCE*<br /><br />1 comment Zantetsuken Sat, 05 Jun 2010 05:27:57 -0700 GERMANY (THIRD REICH)~50 Reichspfennig 1939 E /showphoto.php?photo=1198&title=germany-third-reich-7e50-reichspfennig1939-e&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1198&amp;title=germany-third-reich-7e50-reichspfennig1939-e&amp;cat=641"><img title="Germany_50_Reichspfennig_Nickel_1939_E.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Germany_50_Reichspfennig_Nickel_1939_E.jpg" alt="Germany_50_Reichspfennig_Nickel_1939_E.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Zantetsuken<br /><br />Description: Mint: Muldenhutten Zantetsuken Sun, 23 May 2010 22:25:14 -0700 GERMANY (THIRD REICH)~50 Reichspfennig 1938 B /showphoto.php?photo=1197&title=germany-third-reich-7e50-reichspfennig-1938-b&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=1197&amp;title=germany-third-reich-7e50-reichspfennig-1938-b&amp;cat=641"><img title="Germany_50_Reichspfennig_1938_B_Nickel_.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Germany_50_Reichspfennig_1938_B_Nickel_.jpg" alt="Germany_50_Reichspfennig_1938_B_Nickel_.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Zantetsuken<br /><br />Description: Nickel variety. Mint: Vienna Zantetsuken Sun, 23 May 2010 22:22:07 -0700 Martin Luther - 2 Reichsmark /showphoto.php?photo=490&title=martin-luther2-reichsmark&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=490&amp;title=martin-luther2-reichsmark&amp;cat=641"><img title="Luther2Mpf.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Luther2Mpf.jpg" alt="Luther2Mpf.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: It must have been an early slip-up for the newly empowered 3 rd Reich to honor Martin Luther on their coinage. Proof-like example or perhaps a proof. Both Martin Luther and Schiller avoided the indignity of a swastika on their commemorative coinage. These are much more common than the other 3rd Reich commemorative, the von Schiller piece saw only 300K struck at one mint, the Luther piece ws struck at six mints. This &quot;A&quot; (Berlin) had 542k struck, but was probably a more popular theme. Moneta Sun, 18 Mar 2007 16:51:56 -0700 Nazi 1 RM - 1934 J /showphoto.php?photo=489&title=nazi-1-rm1934-j&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=489&amp;title=nazi-1-rm1934-j&amp;cat=641"><img title="Ger1Mk34J.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/Ger1Mk34J.jpg" alt="Ger1Mk34J.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Nazi goose-stepping around money of 1934. Nice example with 16.82 M struck in Hamburg. Moneta Sun, 18 Mar 2007 16:45:23 -0700 Nazi 50 Reichspfennig /showphoto.php?photo=488&title=nazi-50-reichspfennig&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=488&amp;title=nazi-50-reichspfennig&amp;cat=641"><img title="3R50Pf39A.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/3R50Pf39A.jpg" alt="3R50Pf39A.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Argueably the prettiest coin of the Nazi 3rd Reich series. Often found in high grade, this one is perfect and all are seldom found. All of my Nazi issues need new photos, this will have to do for now. Moneta Sun, 18 Mar 2007 16:39:51 -0700 Nazi Army 5 Reichspfennig /showphoto.php?photo=487&title=nazi-army-5-reichspfennig&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=487&amp;title=nazi-army-5-reichspfennig&amp;cat=641"><img title="3R5Pf40Amil.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/3R5Pf40Amil.jpg" alt="3R5Pf40Amil.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Very nice example that has avoided the dreaded zinc disease. OK, so it's only the 1940 A but they are still hard to find this nice. They were issued for circulation only in occupied areas. When the Wehrmacht entered any foreign country, it issued decrees making this money legal tender at a specified exchange rate with the indigenous currency at a ratio, usually the pre-invasion rate, between reichmarks and the local money thus it was tied to the Reichsmark. German troops received their pay in Reichs Kredit Kassen scheine and since the currency was legal tender only in the occupied areas, the soldiers had to spend their money there or forfeit its value on returning to Germany. By using these non-convertible occupation currencies the Germans effectively transferred the total cost of the occupation to the defeated country! With the German annexation of Austria and the Sudetenland portion of Czechoslovakia in 1938, these territories were incorporated into the German Reich and the Reichsmark was made legal tender in these territories by decrees of March 17, 1938 (Order for the transfer of the Austrian National Bank to the Reichsbank, Reichsgesetz blatt 1938, 1, No 27, p. 254) and October 10, 1938 (Decree regarding the introduction of Reichsmark Currency into Sudeten German Territories, Bank for International Settlements, Doc. L. D. 36). In most cases decrees regulated the rate of exchange between the occupied territory and the German Reichs bank. For example, a decree dated September 11, 1939 established the exchange ratio between the Reichsmark and the Polish Zloty at 1 (one) Zloty = 50 (fifty) Reichspfennig. However, in order to control military spending and inflation a series of legal decrees in Berlin established the operation of a military central banking institution called &quot;Reichs Kredit Kassen&quot;. This organization issued both coins and paper currency legal tender at first only in Poland, later expanded to other occupied territories. Two zinc coins, a 5 and 10 pfennig, were issued to the military forces as mentioned above. These coins, with the German eagle on one side and swastika and REICHS KREDIT KASSEN on the other, were unique as no other German issue is holed (except German East Africa). This first appeared in Poland in 1939, backed partly by loans and partly by occupation cost accounts. In 1940 it appeared in Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium and France; in 1941 in the Balkans and in Russia; thus for a while it was legal tender throughout German-occupied Europe. Moneta Sun, 18 Mar 2007 16:35:26 -0700 Hindenburg 5 RM - 1939 G /showphoto.php?photo=486&title=hindenburg-5-rm1939-g&cat=641 Moneta Sun, 18 Mar 2007 16:28:46 -0700 Nazi 5 RM Church w/date 1934 A /showphoto.php?photo=476&title=nazi-5-rm-church-w-2fdate-1934-a&cat=641 Moneta Sun, 18 Mar 2007 12:26:21 -0700 2 Reichspfennig 1936 D /showphoto.php?photo=412&title=2-reichspfennig-1936-d&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=412&amp;title=2-reichspfennig-1936-d&amp;cat=641"><img title="3R2Pf36D.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/3R2Pf36D.jpg" alt="3R2Pf36D.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta Moneta Sun, 01 Oct 2006 12:40:04 -0700 Nazi 2 RM 1938 E /showphoto.php?photo=411&title=nazi-2-rm-1938-e&cat=641 <a href="/showphoto.php?photo=411&amp;title=nazi-2-rm-1938-e&amp;cat=641"><img title="3R2MkHind38E.jpg" border="0" src="data/641/thumbs/3R2MkHind38E.jpg" alt="3R2MkHind38E.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: Nice fully lustrous example. 4.731 M minted. Moneta Sun, 01 Oct 2006 11:12:44 -0700