Wow, heaviest Justinian Follis I’ve come across. Very nice by Ela126
Thanks for posting - please consider an 'edit' to add this nice folles to ANCIENT > Byzantium so tha... by Moneta
Thanks, great information on this historic bullion issue. by Moneta
Wonderful - I need to acquire. However, it was done before, in 2002, with a much more limited mintin... by Moneta
Thanks for the post, I really like Tibet. Please update the post Image caption & keywords, thanks! by Moneta
Thanks for the Gordian III addition, interesting reverse. Could you please EDIT this entry to add it... by Moneta
That's a great follis of Justinian! Looks much better than VF. I'm still looking for a Ravenna mint ... by Moneta
Fantastic! Very interesting reverse and one I've never seen before. Do you have an explanation of wh... by Moneta
I don't believe I've ever seen this type - it must be a fairly rare Phonecian coin. Fabulous conditi... by Moneta
This is a magnificent example, I've always wanted to get one of these impressive and massive coins -... by Moneta