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Korea 100 Won - 1975

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Korea - 100 Mun, 1866

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Registered: August 2005
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Korean Treasury Department (Ho Jo). This is bronze but others can be found in copper. There are about 50 varieties of these and the differences would be very hard for an untrained Westerner to discern. I've put a number of other examples in the ANCIENT> Cast Oriental > Korea category so go there to see more. Diameter in KM varies between 39 - 40 mm. This one is a tad over 40mm. KM lists weight as 24 gm; being cast with different metals and varieties you can expect a noticeable variance. This one is around 25.8 gm. Values based upon these varieties can be up to x4 the value for a common example. ND (1866). This larger inflated issue seems to proceed with the inflationary large cash of China & Japan. These have been extensively counterfeited. I'll post more on these as info is available. Note: I've re-classed these to Ancient>Asia>Korea as a general way to distinguish all cast Oriental coins from most modern struck issues. Please go there to see more examples including a 'colorized' version that has been 'charmed.' I'd like to collaborate with someone to create a photo exposition of some the major varieties of these. Some are much more valuable that others according to the common Korean coin reference.
This is a One Hundred Mun ("Value Hundred" tangbaekchon or dangbaekjun 當 百錢) sang pyong tong bo coin.
The One Hundred Mun is the only denomination of sang pyong tong bo coinage for which accurate mint records exist. These coins were first cast by the Treasury Department on December 12, 1866 and put into circulation beginning January 15, 1867. The last coin was produced on June 16, 1867 which means these coins were cast for only 172 days. A total of 1,784,038 "One Hundred Mun" coins were cast by the government.
The One Hundred Mun coins minted by the government have a diameter of 40.6 mm, a thickness of 2.8 mm and a weight of 25.1 grams.
I have a very large, heavy 100 Mun depicted in the section, all the others are presented in the Ancient> Cast..>Korean section of this Museum, check them out; /showgallery.php?cat=684, I have a number of varieties.

VIEW & DOWNLOAD Korean Coin and Charm Articles:
A Survey of Korean Coins - Joseph E. Boling: [ link ]
Korean Charms and Amulets - Starr
[ link ]
German Coin Techniques in Korea - Won Yu-Han
[ link ]
Rulers of Korea
[ link ]
Picture Album of 100 Korean Amulets
[ link ]
· Date: January 6, 2006 · Views: 11,958 · Filesize: 57.9kb · Dimensions: 600 x 310 ·
Keywords: korea korean mun chun chon
Denomination: 100 Mun
Reference #: KM 143
Date/Mintmark: ND (1866 to 1867)
Condition: XF
Weight: 25.8 gm; 40 mm
Metal: Bronze
Additional Categories: Korea

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