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Brandenburg HohlPfe

[ Brandenburg ]
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Brandenburg HohlPfennig


Registered: August 2005
Location: Arizona USA
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A silver bracteate pfennig of Brandenburg. I liked it because It evoked the beginnings of German coins that prominently feature a spread eagle. Struck under Friedrich II (1440 - 1470). 17.2 mm; .24 g; RX: incuse of obverse. Saurma #4675.
Frederick II was born in Tangermünde to Frederick I, Brandenburg's first Hohenzollern ruler, and his wife Elizabet, nicknamed "the Iron" (der Eiserne) and sometimes "Irontooth" (Eisenzahn), was a Prince-elector of the Margraviate of Brandenburg from 1440 until his abdication in 1470, and was a member of the House of Hohenzollern.
· Date: October 4, 2015 · Views: 3,339 · Filesize: 101.5kb · Dimensions: 840 x 411 ·
Keywords: Brandenburg Bracteate Pfennig



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Location: Arizona USA
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June 11, 2023 5:20pm

Medieval Coin articles to VIEW or DOWNLOAD:
Medieval Bractates - Lhotka:
Reading Medieval Coins - Walker:
The HORSEMAN Type on Medieval European Coinage - Tye:
Skull and Bones _Overview of Symbol Meaning and History:
Origins of Early Islamic Coinage _ an Introduction - Tye:
Medieval Serbian Coins - Petrovic:

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