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Corinth - Pegasos flying
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Registered: August 2005 Location: Arizona USA Posts: 2,365
From the period of 350-306 B.C. Sear says that the large variety (+60) of this period are distinguished by the symbols found in the field behind Athena's portrait; in this case an eagle standing, looking back. OB: Pegasos flying l. w/spread wing; koppa beneath. RX: Hd. of Athena l., wearing leather cap over Corinthian helmet, bound w/ olive-wreath, in the lower field is A P. Basic style is similar to S2629. This beauty weighs 8.5 gm at ~22mm.
Like in many other cities of Ancient Greece, Corinthian coins referred to the legendary foundation of the town. In Corinth, legend had it that the winged horse Pegasus had set free the source of Peirene, which supplied the city with fresh water by scratching the rocky ground on the towns acropolis with his hoofs. Hence Pegasus was the emblem of Corinth.
Tale had it furthermore that Pegasus had been domesticated by Bellerophon, the son of Poseidon. Bellerophon had seen the winged horse and longed to ride it. But at that time, horsemanship had not yet been developed and the bridle was yet unknown. Therefore the hero did not succeed in roping the horse. Disappointed and exhausted, he eventually lay down to rest. In his dream Athena appeared. She bestowed him a golden bridle, with which Bellerophon managed to tame Pegasus.
Pegasus was struck on Corinthian coins for centuries and also appeared on coins of numerous Corinthian colonies. The reverse of Corinth's coins, on the other hand, went through major changes. Towards the end of the 6th century BC the head of the goddess Athena replaced the square swastika. Athena wears a Corinthian helmet to distinguish her from the Attic Athena, who embellished the coins of Athens.
See Heritage Sale, Jan 22, 2021: [ [ link ] ]
· Date: March 12, 2006 · Views: 15,444 · Filesize: 32.8kb, 57.0kb · Dimensions: 700 x 359 ·
Keywords: Corinth Pegasos Athena Greek Greece