Registered: August 2005 Location: Arizona USA Posts: 2,365

Emperor Gallienus, 253 - 268 A.D. with GERMANICVS MAX(IMVS) V, which relates to fact that the triumphal, "Germanicus Maximus," had been held for the 5th time. Antoninianus with a nice reverse that features a well appointed trophy with two German captives, bound, at the base. OB: GALLIENVS PF AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust left, holds spear and shield, Sear 2861, RIC V-1 18, C. 308, Lugdunum mint.
The German Victories of Gallienus: (David Van Meter); From ca. 254 - 259 AD., Gallienus waged at least five successful campaigns against the Germanic Tribes along both the Rhine and Danube frontiers. The exact sequence and location of these victories is unknown but historian do know that in 254 there were battles with the Marcomanni in Pannonia and Northern Italy. There were major battles along the Rhine in 255 - 256 AD. Gallienus then defeated the Carpi in Dacia in 257. In 259 Gallienus stemmed an invasion of Italy by the Alemanni at Milan. Van Meter says the MAX V refers to a triumph held after the Alemanni were defeated at Milan.