Registered: August 2005 Location: Arizona USA Posts: 2,365

Antoninianus of Gallienius with Victoria Germ(ania) reverse.
OB: IMP GALLIENVS PF AVG GERM; radiate, cuirassed bust r.
RX: VICTORIA GERM; Victory stg left w/wreath & palm, captive l. at feet.
Sear RCV III #10392; RSC IV #1162; RIC V I # 175; Cohen 1162.
Publius Licinius Egnatius Gallienus (218-268 A.D.) ruled the Roman Empire as co-emperor with his father Valerian from 253 to 260, and then as the sole Roman Emperor from 260 to 268. He took control of the empire at a time when it was undergoing great crisis. His record in dealing with those crises is mixed, as he won a number of military victories but was unable to keep much of his realm from slipping away. Gallienus was a bit of a playboy, regularly dressed in red or purple and gold robes, liked to wear a crown and besides having garish taste in clothes - was an aficionado of wine, women and song while the empire was splitting in three pieces, the Gallic in the West and the Palmyrene in the East. Nonetheless, he was supposed to have inspired a Renaissance of sorts and his "Zoo series" coinage is part of that accomplishment.